Story F

At 4, the protagonist runs away from his house with a cat, because mamma and daddy asked him to leave the cat away from home after feeding her. The protagonist is sad that he can’t expect anything from his parents if they can’t show any affection to the pets. During the journey the cat runs away and the child is brought home by his father’s friend. So, the child starts exploring the outside world, we observe that feelings like disappointment and anger appear in his heart.

At 5 he finds a ten ruble note in the compound and he notices how the behavior of boys changes towards him, he is protected by Veronica and at that tender age falls in love…notices how people are jealous of his friendship with Veronica. We notice that now the social circle is getting wider, newer problems emerge and somehow he is able to get out of them. Similar experience at the age of six when he gets a big football which belonged to the captain of Spartak Team…At seven he goes to school, some new experiences, some disappointing situations…

Love for films starts at the age of 8, when he writes to the local TV channel to telecast film on Don Quixote…

This continues till he shows these notes to a friend who suggests that he should imagine his future and include in the notes. So the protagonist decides that the incidents of future life should be described in the autobiography…and that he has to visualize them. Thus begins the next chapter “When I will be…” and it depicts the dreams of a young boy about his life, his aspirations. This is going to be a life like all other people, a rich life, with a happy family and he leaves the world with satisfaction, surrounded by his grand children…

The second chapter of “Three to Infinity” is “Mera Naam Joker” it has affected the protagonist. Beautiful and powerful narration in very simple words, it shows how the protagonist sacrifices his love for the sake of Raj Kapoor.

The subsequent chapters of this section narrate the protagonist’s interaction with a smart boy Vovets: Vovets lives in his building and he is in love with the heroine of “Star Wars”! Our hero is quite impressed, but when the experience of printing photographs in Vovets’ flat turns scary, he prefers to stay away from him.

Attempt to become a para-psycho Healer turns into a fiasco in class V and he is ridiculed by the whole class.

His love for football is shown in the next chapter, he is unable to decide which team he should cheer up. Here we notice that the social circle of the protagonist is slowly widening and he is able to differentiate between good people and bad people, between good behavior and bad behavior and is able to select where he should be…  

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